Chicken is one of the most popular meats eaten around the world.
It’s easy to use, versatile, delicate and cheap!
From Chicken Curry to the great BBQ, chicken is a key ingredient of many dishes.
If you can, try and choose free-range, organic chicken that has grown up outside or in natural surroundings, as these chickens will have lived a better life.
It is true that free-range is more expensive, but the flavour, texture and quality of the meat is totally different to the cheap chicken in the supermarket, so it's well worth it!
To save money, you can buy a whole chicken from the chiller aisle and chop it up at home instead of buying the different butchered portions - it is a lot cheaper, you can freeze what you don’t use.
When choosing chicken, look for skin that isn't bruised. When you buy chicken without skin, it should look plump and have a nice pink colour.
Always store chicken in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer (for up to 6 months) and remember to defrost it thoroughly before cooking.
If it is very slimy or smelly, it might be off, so don't eat it!
You can cook chicken quickly by pan frying it, on a grill or in the oven. The easiest cuts of chicken to cook are the breasts.
Boneless thighs are the tastiest, but take a little longer to cook through. Anything with a bone in will take a lot longer, so legs and thighs with the bone in require some extra attention! Overcooked chicken is always dry and chewy, so don't overcook it!
Chicken is great when you marinate it too! To add more flavour before pan-frying or roasting, marinate the chicken overnight, or for at least 1 hour, or cut a pocket into it, stuff it with herbs and butter and wrap it with bacon before cooking.
Chicken is one of the easiest meats to use, which is why it's so popular!
Traditionally, in the UK, chicken is roasted and served with a some vegetables and roast potatoes, but around the world, it is in curries and rice, stir-fried with noodles, and deep fried and served with fries and salads. The list is endless!
The mild flavour of chicken often goes well with stronger flavours, such as curries and strong marinades.
Check out
our recipes and try to cook with Chicken!
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